Miss Fadwa Ahmed AFFARA, Laureate 2020
Biography :
Miss Fadwa Ahmed AFFARA, age 77 years old, a British, is a strong global leader in the nursing and health policy. Though out her nursing profession, she has inspired and committed to support countries globally, in particular the low- and middle-income countries and countries in the Mediterranean Region for the development of strong and universal nursing regulation, nursing education and services. She worked with the International Council for Nurses (ICN) in Switzerland as the Director of the Nursing Regulation Project and a consultant on the Health Policy and Nursing. At present, she works independently and is a nursing consultant for national and international organizations.
As the Director of Nursing Regulation for the ICN, Miss Fadwa AFFARA has strengthening the Nurses’ Associations in many countries in the regulation or the law related to the nursing practices to legally safeguard the people. She also developed a curriculum for nursing leaders to enable nurses to participate more in making regulation, scope of practice, standard and competency. Up to now, this curriculum has been implemented in many countries. Later, she organized the forums for the workforces working on the regulation for information and experience sharing to create a network of the workforces working on the regulation. To stand for her nursing profession, Miss Fadwa AFFARA published an article on “From Practice to Power: A Model of Global Change in Nursing Regulations” and co-wrote a book on “Guidelines and Models of Regulations”.
In addition, she has worked with academic scholars from many institutions to develop The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICP) to develop the standard nursing terminology that can be universally used. The ICP reflects the significance and scope of the nursing profession, role and responsibility with unique function, and the nursing outcome that can be assessed and evaluated. The ICP is internationally accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO) and most countries. It is translated into 17 languages and integrated into several health information systems. At present, it is being continuously developed.
Her contributions in response to the growth of advanced nursing practice have become evident. In order to integrate the international perspectives to the roles of nurse practitioners or advanced practice nurses, Miss Fadwa AFFARA launch the Network of Nurse Practitioner/Advanced Practice. So far, the Network has organized the conferences to exchange the knowledge and experiences in every two years. In this regard, she, later, was a co-author of a book entitled Advanced Nursing Practice.
As a consultant at the ICN, Miss Fadwa AFFARA provided the information and nursing issues to the groups of nurses, policy makers and campaigned for regulation development or acts and supported the ICN members to apply the concepts and implement the policies by working closely with the WHO in fostering and supporting the nursing organizations through the resolutions from the World Health Assembly on nursing and public health to develop strategies and action plans. For instance, under the WHO’s policy on Primary Health Care for Health for All, she developed teaching-learning packages and teaching methods focusing on participatory learning, and proposed the guideline to solve the problems. She also actively worked with many publishing companies, foundations, nurses and others to develop mobile libraries. As a result of her pursuit, over 300 mobile libraries were established in 17 countries, mainly in African countries. A great number of nurses felt good that they did not work in darkness as the light was provided by the mobile libraries.
After her retirement from the ICN, Miss Fadwa Affara worked as a short-term nursing consultant in the Member States of the WHO’s Mediterranean Region. She assisted in the development of Regional Strategic framework for nursing and midwifery, 2016-2025 for the WHO’s Mediterranean Region.
In regard to the COVID-19 pandemic, Miss Fadwa Affara participates in the establishment of the COVID-19 Africa Action Network for Nurses and Midwives, a global network to support the nurses and midwives for both knowledge and resources in fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.
In 2007, Miss Fadwa AFFARA received President’s Award from the Center for Accreditation of Specialty in Nursing of America in recognition of her leadership in the nursing regulation.
The Board of Trustees of The of the Princess Srinagarindra Award Foundation are honored to present the 2020 prize to Miss Fadwa Ahmed AFFARA
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